Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Re: [MW:34184] REG. Hardness max 200 BHN for P NO.1 PQR

70S2 could be better , you may refer to SP0472 for guidance on fillermetal chemistry and preheat.

On Wed, 3 May 2023 at 10:59, PARAI Reaction Channel <> wrote:
Dear Sir, 

Thank you for your reply.

To weld SA 516 70 , 17 T , can we restrict CE to 0.35 % ?

May I know the carbon value for obtaining the low hardness for plate and GTAW , ER70S-6 OR ER70S-2. 

Shall I preheat to min 100 deg C and maintain until final pass for 17T ?

Whether ER70S-2 can give Lower hardness for about 5 mm weld deposited from root ?

Please advice.

Saravanan Sornam, 

On Wed, 3 May, 2023, 12:09 pm Raghuram Bathula, <> wrote:
you can control thro' the chemistry of filler and base metals (C, and CE), increase preheat 

On Wed, 3 May 2023 at 08:31, PARAI Reaction Channel <> wrote:
Dear Sirs,

One of our client in Korea requires PQR for SA 516-70 , P NO. 1 without PWHT condition , to fabricate  shell of 17T U stamp,  as per design code ASME SEC VIII DIV- 1 , 
with max 200 BHN in weld and HAZ as per their spec. 

So we made a PQR with GTAW ER70S-6 & SMAW E7016 classes for welding SA 516-70 , 17T,

GTAW - 5mm weld deposited from root and rest of the passes with SMAW for 12 mm.

You can find the attached pictures for welding parameters and the PQR test results.

Hardness exceeded the 200 BHN limits. 

So, can I change to  ER70S-2 ,  the low manganese GTAW ROD and SMAW E7016 with 3.2 dia to obtain max 200 BHN , without PWHT.

Please advice me urgently, after checking the attached weld parameters,  preheat, interpass temp.  etc. To successfully get the hardness of max 200 BHN .

Thank you. 

With best regards, 
Saravanan Sornam, 


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