Monday, May 22, 2023

[MW:34213] Parent material Thickness For GTAW process

Dear All,

We have prequalified WPS of combination  GTAW+SMAW


Qualified material :4"  Dai X Sch-120(11.02mm)

Garde : ASTM A106 GR B

Welding Process :  GTAW +SMAW

Construction Code : ASME SEC IX


Root/ Hot : ER70S-6 Dai 2.4

Fill 1,2 ,3 : E7018 Dai 3.2

Cap           : E7018 Dai 2.5.


With Above WPS I would like to extract new WPS for GTAW Process. Please Kindly confirm  what shall be the range  for GTAW process  for parent material thickness . Kindly advice. with reasoning.

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