Thursday, May 4, 2023

Re: [MW:34192] Impact Testing requirements for PQR

Mr. J.Gerald Jayakumar
you mean Interpretation: IX-07-09 ? i think it was mainly asking about splitting of mech. testing , accepted or not ? ( tensile , bend on one PQR and CVN in other one )

Best Regards ,
ENG. Ahmed Osman

On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 02:22:09 p.m. GMT+3, srinivas rao <> wrote:

Number of PQR's Required for the project based on BOQ Is depends on below code 
2. material types involved in scope
3. MDMT of materials 
4. thickness range for each material type
5. applicable client specification requirements 
6 number welding processes you are going to use  
7. scope and due date for delivery/completion of project 
8. Target for daily production based on your capacity if resources.  

If your construction code is B31.3 for normal piping scope and no client specification restriction on dia & thickness range of qualification you need to qualify 4 PQR'S Max with GTAW, SMAW processes , if another process you want to use additional new PQRs to be derived based on thickness. 

Thanks & Regards,
Srinivas Rao 
Welding Engineer 

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 2:15 PM 'Ahmed Osman' via Materials & Welding <> wrote:
3 PQR's may be sufficient , 6mm (3-12) 10mm (10-20) 23mm (16-46) 

Best Regards ,
ENG. Ahmed Osman

On Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 08:44:46 a.m. GMT+3, Jackson Raj <> wrote:

Dear all,

In Our project has 3 inch to 24 inch and it's thickness 5.49mm to 45.24mm and Impact Testing required for above thickness.
Please clarify how many PQR are required for this job 
Please consider the Impact Testing also mentioned each PQR thickness qualify 


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