Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Re: [MW:34180] REG. Hardness max 200 BHN for P NO.1 PQR

Dear Saravanan
PQR  testing  is in HV10 due to size of the identer and load (BHN -Ball indenter 10 mm , 3000 kg load ) .Basically for bigger jobs like plate Forgings or high thickness PQR IN P No 1 materials, BHN is followed.
HV10   Hardness shall be 248HV10  when 2200 BHN is specified when PQR hardness is needed.
In your PQR , The readings are complying to less than 248 HV10 (Pl read SP 0472 )

Now let us discuss @ production welding Hardness :
Here you have to use Poldi BHN tester and compare the Ball indent on job with test bar 
That hardness is in BHN and shall be less than 200 BHN.
Pl have a word with Client and elaborate above details with them .
Thanks and regards

Sent from my iPhone

On 03-May-2023, at 9:46 AM, 'james gerald' via Materials & Welding <> wrote:

Please note Brinell Hardness testing is used only for Base Material at Mill and for Production hardness testing. The requirement of 200 BHN is mostly specified for Production Hardness testing since you use a 10 mm Ball indentor.

For PQR, you have to use Vicker's Hardness test for which the NACE MR 0103 / 0175 values are 248HV10 which is considered stringent for P1 materials. Please check your specifications.

Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar

On Wednesday, 3 May, 2023 at 08:31:39 am IST, PARAI Reaction Channel <> wrote:

Dear Sirs,

One of our client in Korea requires PQR for SA 516-70 , P NO. 1 without PWHT condition , to fabricate  shell of 17T U stamp,  as per design code ASME SEC VIII DIV- 1 , 
with max 200 BHN in weld and HAZ as per their spec. 

So we made a PQR with GTAW ER70S-6 & SMAW E7016 classes for welding SA 516-70 , 17T,

GTAW - 5mm weld deposited from root and rest of the passes with SMAW for 12 mm.

You can find the attached pictures for welding parameters and the PQR test results.

Hardness exceeded the 200 BHN limits. 

So, can I change to  ER70S-2 ,  the low manganese GTAW ROD and SMAW E7016 with 3.2 dia to obtain max 200 BHN , without PWHT.

Please advice me urgently, after checking the attached weld parameters,  preheat, interpass temp.  etc. To successfully get the hardness of max 200 BHN .

Thank you. 

With best regards, 
Saravanan Sornam, 

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