Thursday, October 13, 2022

Re: [MW:33598] PAUT Instead of RT

reason for ndt before any heat treatment are avoid repair after heat treatment. affect quality of weld.makes haz more hard n hard -loss of ductility- chances of BCT . qualification require to attend repair if job require heat treatment.
4.economical raises cost of welding consumable,heat treatment,production time

Sourav Bohray

On Thu, 13 Oct 2022, 4:35 pm srinivas rao, <> wrote:

 if client is not specified any requiremnt of NDE before or after PWHT , it shall understand that NDT shall be carried out  after PWHT only. 

NDT before PWHT can be avioded based on your confidence over your welding .. to gain convidence before avioding NDT before PWHT you can take 5%  or 10% NDT before PWHT ...

Srinivas Rao
On Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 9:34:09 AM UTC+4 williamswilsonp wrote:
Dear Sir,

Thanks for sharing the information.

This job will undergo RN1, SR1 & SR2 - Generally which stage will do the PAUT, No any information from client.

Thank You & Regards
Williams P Wilson
QA/QC Engineer
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On Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 7:32 AM srinivas rao <> wrote:
PAUT can be used in place of  RT and allowed as per ASME SEC VIII DIV 1, check your weld quality before jumping to this mecthod and it is  better than RT and with more precision to detect defects. However  you need check with your NDT crew or your NDT sub contractors are they having compitent personal to perfrom  it is very important that the person who is  perfrom this shall be skilled enoughed to operate machines for  performing & interpreting results and all the welds in the vessel cannot have sufficient space on either side of the welds for scanning and hence interpretation of results may be difficult in case proper calibration and validation blocks are not place.

please refer ASME Code cases that are allowing  PAUT  in the lieu of RT 

you require to demostrate  PAUT mock up prior to NDE test to your client and AI. no of blocks will differ based on your scope take opion of your LEVEL III.

On Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 2:37:32 PM UTC+4 wrote:
Yes it can be done

On Tue, 11 Oct 2022, 11:50 williams p wilson, <> wrote:
Dear Experts,

Please guide, RT can be replaced with PAUT for a vessel constructed with ASME Section VIII Div.1, MOC : SA 516 Gr.70, 70 / 80 mm Thickness.

Thank You & Regards
Williams P Wilson
QA/QC Engineer
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