Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Re: [MW:29802] PWHT exemption for Pipe supports for amine service

PWHT shall be done.

Ramin  Kondori
Sr. QA/QC & Welding Engineer
PG-Dip. in Welding Engineering (IWE  AT  0070)
BSc. in Civil Engineering (IUT)
BGAS Painting Inspector

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 9:24 AM N VENKATESWARA PRASAD <weldengr.velosi@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Experts,

The Primary supports are welded to pipe ( Carbon steel) and PWHT was not done for amine service.  All the butt welds have undergone PWHT.  PWHT issue was noticed after completion of commissioning.  As per API  945, residual stresses are one of the reason for amine cracking.  Please advise how we can convince client  that residual stresses due to pipe supports welding have no effect on amine cracking.

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