Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Re: [MW:29906] Impact testing as per ASME B31.3

In my opinion, for the below stated conditions, as per ASME B31.3, Impact test is applicable. I.e. supplementary essential variables for ASME Section 09 becomes essential variables. 

And, the qualified WPS thickness shall be T/2 to T+6mm, i.e. 8.74 mm to 23.48 mm in your case.


Sudhakar K

Welding Engineer 

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 11:24 AM Babur Khan <> wrote:
Dear experts, 
Please clarify for impact test requirements of below variables.
Construction code ASME B31.3
Material A106 Gr. B
The thickness of Pipe. 17.48 mm
Temperature Limit 0^ F (-17.78^ C)
PWHT yes.
Table A-1 refers to curve B
Table 323.2.2A minimum Temperature without Impact Testing for CS showing under curve B 9^ F ( 12.8^ C).
My Question is for above case Impact testing for WPS qualification is required?  


Muhammad Babur Khan Lashari
Sr. QA/QC Inspector (Welding)

(CSWIP 3.1 / CWI II From PWI) 

Mob: + 966 58 2774568 / 050 5193275

PAK : + 92 334 6186285 (Whatsapp)

Skype: babur.lashari

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