Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Re: [SOCIAL NETWORK] [MW:29860] vertical vessel piping _first rest support

Dear Hemant,

   The horizontal spool length is just 2m and vertical = 3.8m. Hence deleted the support because we have immediate rest support on rack structure. 

On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 5:24 PM Hemant W Joshi <> wrote:

Do not know if your vertical support consisting of lugs is practically possible without incurring extra supporting costs.

The nozzle loads appear to be quite high.

Morever it is not clear how much is the overall pipe length in the horizontal direction for locating the rest support.  The vertical length of 3.8m has a dead load (empty) of 500 kg. overall considering even the horizontal length dead load . the load does not appear too much .

Hence the rest support looks okay unless it is located beyond the permissible span.


From: <> On Behalf Of Chiranjeevi A
Sent: 17 July 2019 09:31
Subject: [SOCIAL NETWORK] [MW:29849] vertical vessel piping _first rest support


Dear all,


  Please find the below, sulfur absorber vessel, The following pipe mtl is A335 P11 and thk. = 14.27mm. The vertical portion is 3.8m only, immediately on the rack we have rest support


   If the vertical portion is long i.e if it about 15m and above, we have to provide rest support either rigid or spring in vertical portion.


As per below snap small vertical vessel and the pipe size 12" sch 60 we have more span. Providing support and if not in the vertical portion doesnt impacting the nozzle loads. The nozzle loads are Fx=Fy=Fz=18Tons and Mx=15tons, My=Mz=7tons. In my point of view first rest support is not required in this case, kinldy share your opinions 




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