Friday, April 19, 2013

RES: [MW:17473] Welding consumable Return System

I suggest you to check the following article:


Sérgio Munhós
Welding Engineer


De: [] Em nome de PUB:Prakash Hegde
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 19 de abril de 2013 01:44
Assunto: Re: [MW:17471] Welding consumable Return System


Dear Maulik

There is no problem of Solid wire which are returned from shop to stores -This can bekept in stores with record after ensuring the correctness of returned  consumables

b) For SAW flux -return flux to be stored separately in a drum with its batch no and the same can be mixed with Fresh Flux in the ratio of 75% to 25% for Baking and Holding This system should be addressed in your Manual

c)For Electrodes-It will be difficult to maintain record for baking and holding due to its variety and number of batches from, Threfore it is better to use these electrodes for Welding Fixtures and Training and qualification which you can address in Manual




Hegde P.B.

--- On Wed, 17/4/13, Maulik Thakkar <> wrote:

From: Maulik Thakkar <>
Subject: [MW:17454] Welding consumable Return System
To: "Materials & Welding" <>
Date: Wednesday, 17 April, 2013, 8:23 PM

Dear all,

Can any one help me out to give reference standard for storage, handling and redrying/rebaking of covered electrodes.

Specifically interested for consumable return, rebaking and reissue system (color coding).

Thanks and Regards,
Maulik Thakkar
Welding Engineer

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