Friday, April 26, 2013

Re: [MW:17567] CSEF steel

Since creep deformation occurs by grain-boundary sliding, the more grain boundary area, the easier creep deformation will be. Creep deformation and creep strength are a grain-size sensitive property. Thus a larger grain size improves creep strength. For austenitic stainless steels, SA213 TP321H for example, the code requires a grain size of #7 or coarser, to assure adequate creep strength.

This is taken from

As for %Al allowed in CSEF materials I am basing the answer on grade 91.

The modifications that were made to the standard 9Cr-1Mo steel to create
Grade 91 included controlled additions of vanadium, columbium (niobium), and
nitrogen. The mechanism of enhanced creep strength for Grade 91 is the
precipitation of vanadium/columbium rich carbonitrides of type MX (where
M=Cb or V and X=C or N) at defect sites and lath boundaries in the martensitic
base structure. De-oxidizers, particularly aluminum, are commonly added during
the melting process to remove oxygen from the melt. Since Aluminum also has a
stronger tendency to combine with Nitrogen than do vanadium or columbium,
high levels of Aluminum will reduce the amount of free nitrogen available to
form the carbo-nitrides precipitates that support the long-term creep strength of
the alloy. Since it is difficult to increase the amount of nitrogen in the molten
alloy, the primary option to insure adequate free nitrogen is to limit the amount
of aluminum and other de-oxidizers that can be added to melt. The target ratio
for nitrogen-to-aluminum (N/Al) should be 4 or greater, and under no
circumstances should a ratio of less than 2.0 be accepted.

Michael J. Crichton
American Electric Power
Metallurgy, Welding & Standards (MWS)


kannayeram gnanapandithan <>
Sent by:

04/26/2013 02:29 AM

Please respond to

materials-welding <>
[MW:17562] CSEF steel

what is relation between Creep strength with grain  size

How much %Al is allowed in CSEF steel and why, what is consequance if it is more than recommended
Welding Consultant

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Re: [MW:35445] Filler wire for welding off SA182F11 to SA268TP446

Hello Sridhar, Thank you so much for your response. May I know the source how you have selected that filler wire for SA182F11 to SA268TP446 ...