Sunday, April 21, 2013

Re: [MW:17487] IBR piping

How can I define IBR and non IBR piping ?
Steam Piping with Pressure above atmospheric pressure 3.5kg/cm2 g & such pipes exceeding 254mm ID comes under IBR. But below 3.5kg/cm2 g & pipes sizes below 254mm ID needs to be Non IBR but NOC to be taken by Local IBR.

I have steam heating coil piping inside tank, is it comes under IBR ? 
Heating Volume from Steam In to Steam Out of Coil to be 22.75lts & NOC to be taken from Local IBR for 1 time.

Abhijith N Parashar

 I have steam heating coil piping inside tank, is it comes under IBR ?
On Saturday, April 20, 2013 4:56:29 PM UTC+5:30, nishant wrote:

Hi there,
Any piping dat has the pressure > 3.5 kg/cm2 or sizing more than 10" ID and is connected to the steam generating circuit comes under IBR.

All such piping shall have IBR test certificate I.e form 3c or 3d..

And for closed vessel exceeding 22.5 ltrs in capacity and used for generating steam under pressure cmes under IBR.

If ur equipment is IBR then its components also comes under the regulation.

Also Kindly refer the drawing as design code will be mentioned in it. If its IBR then dat will also be mentioned.

Hope this reply helps..


Sent from Yahoo! Mail..

From: Pradip Ghosh <>;
To: <>;
Subject: [MW:17477] IBR piping
Sent: Sat, Apr 20, 2013 10:14:17 AM

Dear expert,

How can I define IBR and non IBR piping ? I have steam heating coil piping inside tank, is it comes under IBR ?

Pradip Ghosh

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