Sunday, April 21, 2013

[MW:17492] RE: 17488] how to make material data report (MDR)

Dear sir,


We are preparing an MDR.


Generally we are prepare MDR with the following points

1.material grade

2.if any material unique identification

3.heat number

4.item belongs to material grade (number of piece cut from plate)

5.UT report identification & traceability.

6.if any shipment details with unique number which will give summary for delivery.


Also sometimes we has to considered an if aay requirnments from client to be added & as well project specification.






From: [] On Behalf Of Maput Gani
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 6:51 AM
Subject: [MW:17488] how to make material data report (MDR)


Dear Expert,

wondering, how to make material data report (mdr), or any one could share to me example mdr templates, procedure etc?

thanks in advanced


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