Sunday, December 25, 2011

Re: [MW:13310] TOP Performers by contribution in our Forum.

Did not contribute but followed many discussions. Some responses very enlightening while some were not quite accurate. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this useful forum.

Blessings to you and yours

Astley Scott

Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel

-----Original Message-----
From: james gerald <>
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2011 09:58:16
To: <>
Subject: [MW:13291] TOP Performers by contribution in our Forum.

Dear All,
As the year comes to an end, I would like to mention the Top contributors in our Mail Group for the past 1 year.
1. In Materials & Welding - Mr.Paradip Goswani, Canada
2. In Quality Section         - Mr. Karthik, Thailand.
Though everyone contirbuted to the success of this Forum, there had been always some stand out performers and I feel it is worth mentioning.
At this Junture, I take the opportunity to wish HAPPY NEWYEAR 2012 to all members of the Forum.
Hope the same trend continues in 2012 and let us enrich by all experts contributions.

Thanks & Reagrds
J.Gerald Jayakumar

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