Saturday, December 24, 2011

[MW:13292] Hydro testing failure

Dear friends,
During hydro testing of stainless steel, recently 2 tests leak occurred at welded joint area. I verified RT films, PMI reports...etc.Just I want to find root cause.
Please advise me that what proactive surveillance need to take of further hydro test failure & how it is happening..?
Thank you & Best Regards,

S. Dinesh Ravi Shankar.
Mechanical Inspector,
Saudi Aramco Project Inspection Division (SAPID),
Manifa Core Hydrocarbon Facilities Project.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.,
Mobile : +966 568059765,
Tel      : +966 3 379 2018.

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[MW:35346] Cast-iron welding

Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone