Sunday, December 25, 2011

Re: [MW:13301] TOP Performers by contribution in our Forum.

Dear All,
Thank you and same to you all. Congrate's for the toppers.
Among the toppers (Mr.Paradip Goswani, Canada & Mr. Karthik, Thailand) I like to add Raghuram, John Hennings, Herman Piepers and few names not remeber give good explanation to the Q which make me to think in right way.
From: james gerald <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, 24 December 2011 10:58 AM
Subject: [MW:13291] TOP Performers by contribution in our Forum.

Dear All,
As the year comes to an end, I would like to mention the Top contributors in our Mail Group for the past 1 year.
1. In Materials & Welding - Mr.Paradip Goswani, Canada
2. In Quality Section         - Mr. Karthik, Thailand.
Though everyone contirbuted to the success of this Forum, there had been always some stand out performers and I feel it is worth mentioning.
At this Junture, I take the opportunity to wish HAPPY NEWYEAR 2012 to all members of the Forum.
Hope the same trend continues in 2012 and let us enrich by all experts contributions.
Thanks & Reagrds
J.Gerald Jayakumar
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