Friday, June 11, 2010

[MW:5539] Re: Austenitic Cast Iron

Dear Mr. Limesh,

There is an European standard which prescribes those Austenitic Cast
Irons called EN 13835. Just as for ordinary Cast Iron you can have
several kind of Austenitic Cast Iron as well, Flake type and
Spheroidal. This material consists beside the standard Carbon and
Silicium content similar as in Cast Iron also a high amount of Nickel
(12 - 36%) and sometimes even Chromium (0 - 5.5%) which causes that
the material stays Austenitic at room temperature. Depending on the
type this material has good corrosion, erosion and/or heat resistance.
There is also an ASTM alternative called ASTM A439 (only Austenitic
Ductile Iron)

Hope this information helps you.

Best Regards,

Herman Pieper

On 11 jun, 14:05, limesh M <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> What is austenitic cast iron?Is there any material specification in
> that name in the world?
> Thanks and Regards

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Re: [MW:35374] Material Certification 3.1 / 3.2/2.2--EIL India

Dear Perumal, I answer the same but got one more question where it is written that TPI witness is mandatory? -- https://materials-...