Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Re: Re: [MW:5784] hydro test


Thanks for your reply,this is manifold for pumping station,AWS D1.1
the client just tell 100bar and 6hours holding time with recorder. no
given any specification.so when during the test increase the pressure
the supervisor reduce and maintain the 100bar.maximum how much bar
increase .or any calculation of temperature and pressure bar,please
tell me.


On Tue, 29 Jun 2010 15:28:24 +0530 wrote
>Dear Selvan,
I understand what is your intention .See........ you are not mention
what code and what process you are followed..
In Generally as per you have mentioned TP is 100 Bar so PSV should set
for 110 BAR .you are telling that duration is 6 hours (I do not know
whether it is Hydro or service test ? ) however

However if there is Hydro test , you need to maintain the pressure
between Test Pressure and Set pressure during the holding time .
As long as there is no leak found visually during the holding time test
would be acceptable.
Your supervisor what stated you that maintain 100 Bar all the time
during period.It is wrong .
Pressure should be concistencly increases according to temp increases
,Even there is Air inside the pipe or leak occurred pressure will not
be stable unless it less test pressure.

I hope you cleared now .better you should use pressure recorder .them
you can able to justify easily based on the pressure and temperature
graphs from the recorder.


On 6/29/10, Senthamil Selvan wrote:

please any body explain me. my test pressure is 100bar and holding
time is 6hours.when he do the test, the pressure and temperature is

increase,our supervisor reduce the pressure and maintain the same
it is correct or what.please tell me.this is station manifold.


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