Thursday, June 24, 2010


Dear Friends,


We are procuring the following pipes;


·         750 MM Floating pipes, 25MM Thk, 12 Mtrs. Lngth – Qty; 625 Pipes.

·         750MM Shore line pipes, 16MM Thk, 12 Mtrs. Lnght-Qty; 5554 Pipes.

·         650MM Floatin line pipes, 25MM Thk, 12Mtrs. Lngth-Qty; 1250 Pipes.

·         650MM Shore line pipes, 16MM Thk, 12 Mtrs. Lnght. – Qty; 417 Pipes.


Can you help me to understand the following which the supplier has mentioned in the quotation which is confusing us in opening the LC


·         On Length the tolerance +/-20MM

·         On the whole the tolerance of "+/3%" on quantity and value.


What I understand from the above is that the above point no; 02 toerance is applicaable to Qty & Value both. Which I believe is not beneficial to our company. It should be on length only.


Kindly reply ASAP since today is our dealine, in detail with the explanation to the above points and what is benefecial for my company.



Thanks and Best Regards,

Shiraz P. Khan

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