Friday, June 25, 2010

[MW:5733] PQR Qualification



Regarding ASME IX  section QW-200.4(b) and reference to minimum 13mm is this relevant to our case as although we are combining two processes we are not combining two PQR’s or procedures. We are using GTAW & MMAW on a single WPS but do not separate the two and only have the one welder completing both processes off the WPS. We selected 150NB STD ASTM A 106 GB pipe with a wall thickness of 7.11 as the coupon for WPS & PQR qualification as this is the maximum size pipe we utilise and the WPS therefore qualifies 1.6mm to 14.22mm. Just like to confirm this coupon size is in accordance with the code.


Many Thanks



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[MW:35346] Cast-iron welding

Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone