Tuesday, November 24, 2009

[MW:3725] NDT procedure qualification

Is it mandatory to demonstrate NDT procedure qualification before applying in the actual job? If so, please give the code/standard reference.

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Anonymous said...

I don't think so Hrishi. Most specs lay out guidelines of what you need to achieve or prove. You should provide a technique sheet, which outlines exactly how you plan on doing the job, ( if its an xray job, you should include equipment, Kv, Ma, distance, film screens, exposure time etc...with exact values for each), but it is very specific to the job in question and if you use different techniques you should have different technique sheets for each.

Sometimes it is impossible to predict exactly how things will work out, so you basically have to suck it and see at times

Chris said...

According to ASME Code: Section V - Nondestructive Examination, "A procedure demonstration shall be performed to the satisfaction of the Inspector" (Par. T-150(a), 2007Ed/2008Addenda). Typically not necessary for typical procedures unless special procedures are used. But, it is up to the Inspector if the procedure is satisfactory in their opinion.

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