Thursday, November 12, 2009

[MW:3643] Re: Stud weld PQR

In my opinion you should investigate the reason of the defect and change the PQR and testing again as the PQR you tried was not satisfactory.
Best regards
Agustin Jimenez

De: Hamed <>
Enviado: mié, noviembre 11, 2009 11:22:10 PM
Asunto: [MW:3638] Stud weld PQR

Dear All

We did a PQR for stud weld according to ASME sec IX & our test passed all except that in micrographic check one of five stud have the discontinuity in the weld. So can any one suggest what we should to do in this case? Repeat the Whole PQR or retest only one piece or etc. unfortunately I didn't find any explanation in code in this regard.


Sincerely yours



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