Friday, September 12, 2008

[MW:1107] RE: 1101] Preheat Temp.

when CE is restricted to 0.42, how you are using a plate with CE 0.45? is it acceptable to your client, have you qualified the welding procedure, if so what are the parameters, and what hardness you are getting? what is the original base metal hardness?
However Preheat 100 °C and PWHT per UCS56 with controlled cooling, you may achieve the desired results
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Vivek
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 8:55 AM
Subject: [MW:1101] Preheat Temp.

As we have a plate material SA 537 CL1 (45mm thk) with max.carbon equivalent 0.45 %, as per clients specification requirement (CE < 0.42%) ,we shall get the hardness <200 BHN & impact at           (minus)-47 Deg.C ( 27J Avg.) on WELD and HAZ after PWHT.
Kindly suggest us preheating temprature inorder to get above property.
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