Monday, June 26, 2023

Re: [MW:34370] Which Filler wire to be used in between P43 (Inconel 625) to P8 (A240 310S) by GTAW)

for dish head after cold forming heat treatment is not mandatory as per asme secVIII div1 untill you are not exempted from condition as per ug79,ucs79.
if not exempted than do heat treatment as per ucs56 called it stress relieving.

you have option of normalizing also for cold form dish head heat treatment but for that you need one copoun to be normalized and tested as per ug 85.

if dish head are welded than you need pqr with same heat tretament :-
if dish head is stress relieved- pqr also stress relieved
if dish head is normalized- pqr also normalized

On Tue, 23 Nov 2021 at 12:44 PM rahmat khan <> wrote:
Dear All,

Please help me with this:

1) which filler wire is to be used for GTAW welding of two dissimilar materials P number that is P43 (Inconel 625) to P8 (A240 310S).

2) For SA 516 Gr 70 22mm thick. Ellipsoidal 2:1 dish end, which heat treatment to be used as per ASME Sec VIII Div I UCS 56 After cold forming of dish end.

Please help me I this?


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