Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Re: [MW:34358] PQR

Properties of welding are governed by Welding parameters and all other essential variables as listed In ASME Sec.iX for each welding process. If essential variables have complied then you obtain a Good weld.

The position is a supplementary essential variable (progression up or down) and change in position only tests the skill of the welder governed by WElder Qualification (Refer QW-461.9)

Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar0091-8838619635

On Tuesday, 20 June, 2023 at 08:47:19 am IST, Mostafa DAIF <mostafa.daif@taqamorocco.ma> wrote:


No, a 3G welding qualification cannot be used to perform PQR (Procedure Qualification Record) for a 6G welding position. The reason lies in the welding positions themselves.

The 3G position is a vertical welding position, where the welding is performed on a vertical plate with the weld axis in the vertical position. While a welder qualified in the 3G position demonstrates the ability to weld in the flat (1G), horizontal (2G), and vertical (3G) positions, it does not cover all positions.

The 6G position, on the other hand, is a more complex welding position that covers pipe welding in an inclined, fixed position (with the pipe axis at a 45-degree).

Because the 6G position encompasses a wider range of welding positions and requires greater skill, a welder qualified in the 3G position alone cannot be used to perform PQR for a 6G welding position. Instead, the welder would need to obtain a separate qualification for the 6G position to demonstrate their ability to perform welding in that specific position.

It is essential to have the appropriate qualifications for each welding position, as they are designed to ensure weld quality, safety, and structural integrity.

Le lun. 19 jui. 2023 à 13:30, Keribo Berepele <berepele@gmail.com> a écrit :
Dear Experts, please confirm if plate 3G welding can be used to perform PQR for a 6G 

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Mostafa DAIF
Chef preparateur

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