Monday, June 19, 2023

Re: [MW:34347] Impact test requirements

Der Jithin,

Since your coupon thickness is 9.53mm, make sure your impact specimen is 7.5 mm. if your 2nd process Gtaw is covering in this 7.5 mm, separate specimen is not required.

On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 7:46 AM JITHIN GOPINATH <> wrote:
   I am qualifying a PQR with the process GMAW+SMAW with 9.53mm thickness.
I want to do impact test at -25degree C, so someone please advise me  should I take impact test specimen for each process, means a separate specimen for GMAW and SMAW required or I can take a single specimen for the test.
Qualification code API 1104


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