Friday, June 23, 2023

Re: [MW:34363] IGC Testing requirement in SS410S.

Hello Ronak,

As mentioned by vishwas sir,  This is not more related to carbon percentage but the apparent microstructure.

 As mentioned SS410 S mainly believed to have martensitic structure which is not relavnt to grain distribution which is observed in inter granular corrosion practice where the susceptibility of materials to be checked by attacks of carbon at grain boundaries.

On Fri, 23 Jun, 2023, 4:45 pm Ronak Patel, <> wrote:
Thank you for your response!!

W.r.t point no 2 above :- Carbon Percentage in SA240 SS 304 is 0.07 , in SA240  SS410S is 0.08 .. We do IGC testing for SS304 after welding so why not for SS410S ? it too has almost same carbon . 

w.r.t point no 4 above :- Operating temp for one of our coke drum was 460-500 degree but even in that case licensor did not mention IGC requirement for SS410S Clad + LAS Base material.

On Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 2:19:30 PM UTC+5:30 james gerald wrote:
SS 410S is Ferritic stainless steel with a maximum carbon of 0.08%.

SS is prone to IGC or sensitization if exposed in the range of temperatures 450-650 degC.

1. Check whether the Base material is subjected to tempering in the temperature range prone to IGC.
2. Since carbon is less in 410S the formation of Cr23C6 is restricted and not prone to IGC during welding.
3. The only problem associated with welding is Grain coarsening in HAZ and can be prevented by controlling welding parameters to promote fast cooling and hence it is cooled faster in the IGC range.
4. Since ferritic stainless steel is prone to 475 DegC Embrittlement and hence service temperature may not exceed 350-400 degC

Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar

On Tuesday, 20 June, 2023 at 08:47:18 am IST, Ronak Patel <> wrote:

Dear Experts ,

We are using SS410S CLAD in Coke Drum at 450 degree temp.

Is IGC test required for SS410S material ? at present there is no requirement of IGC testing for SS410S in coke drum cladding in industry .

 As per my understanding, IGC happens in ferritic SS as well if they are exposed to high temp(450 in my case) in operation , welding or PWHT. So why SS410S is not tested for IGC as per A763 ?

How IGC is different in ferritic SS than in Austenitic SS ?

Thanks and Regards,
Ronak Patel.

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