Monday, January 23, 2023

Re: [MW:33955] how is repair calcualted in piping percantage of RT IS 5%

The acceptable Repair percentage is specified in the Client specification.

From your Excel sheet as below.

Inline image

From your attached sheet, the Repair percentage is calculated in 2 ways.

1. Joint wise (no of Joints Repair / Total no of Joints RT shoot x 100).
2. RT Film wise ( no of Films Repair / Total no of Films shoot x 100).

From the Client specification, you can understand what is the 5% limit.

Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar

On Monday, 23 January, 2023 at 05:37:37 am GMT+3, attaulla khan <> wrote:

Dear gents i have attached a excel sheet of repair  rate welder wise can any one help me in these figures my doubt is how did get this with out lenth of of repair
the percentage of RT is 5% 

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