Saturday, January 9, 2021

Re: [MW:31923] SS-316L Rusting

After degreasing any surface treatment required, otherwise after  approx 24 hours rusting of material starting,

On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 1:29 PM Adnan B.BELGACEM <> wrote:
Dear Jamie;

Yes, the passive treatment meets the requirement of the ASTM and vendor instruction for application steps, we need to know the main reason for these faults could be due to the below reason which under investigation:

1- Vendor product used is expired (Under verification with supplier)
2- Water used was contaminated (checked and found acceptable)
3- Environment condition such as sunlight (maybe is not the main reason)
4- Other
So for this case, we need to repeat the passive application or we should follow another applicable procedure to remove this rust and to avoid the recurrence. 


Le jeu. 7 janv. 2021 à 04:49, Jamie Reyes <> a écrit :
Did this material/fabrication receive chemical treatments such as, but not limited to, pickle and passivate treatment? If so, do you know what test method was used to prove conformance to specification? Do you have the inspection report from the pickling and passivation, if performed? Depending where you are located, ASTM A967 is an industry standard specification for such treatments that shall be followed, or its equivalence.   

On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 7:24 PM Adnan B.BELGACEM <> wrote:
Dear Expert,
Please could you advise about the root causes and how we can repair and stop this rust that occurred after the degreasing of the SS 304L tank? 


Le jeu. 28 mai 2020 à 13:30, sachit yadav <> a écrit :
Appears to be fluid marks due to contamination or possibly poor pickling done.

On Thu, 28 May 2020, 10:46 Vinod Kataria, <> wrote:

Dear Expert,

We have received an email from our customer with pictures showing "rust" on the stainless steel (SS-316L) chambers.  Can anyone please tell me what you see in these pictures from your perspective?



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Jamie Reyes
J.R. Machine Company, Inc.

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