Saturday, June 15, 2019

Re: [MW:29715] Difference in ASTM and ASME material

There is a difference at first glance, the ASTM materials start with A, for example A36, when they are ASME, the name starts with SA, for example SA-36, the S indicates that that material specification was adopted by ASME, but if you compare a material A36 Vs SA-36, the chemical composition and physical properties are the same, another big difference that we can see is that not all ASTM materials are ASME materials, that is, the ASTM list of materials is much larger than the list of ASME materials (Table QW-422), since the list of ASME materials, are materials whose purpose is the manufacture of boilers and pressure vessels.

El vie., 14 jun. 2019 a las 10:58, Pankaj Kolhe (<>) escribió:
Dear experts,

what is the difference in ASTM and ASME material. what care should be taken while reviewing MTC, and lab testing.
when can we say this material is acceptable as per ASTM OR ASME?


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Ing. José Juan Jiménez Alejandro

Independent Consultant in Parts

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