Friday, February 21, 2014

Re: [MW:20158] RE: Black spots on DSS Weld Joints.

In some of our earlier projects, we have faced similar problem with tig process. The slag line
traces in between the layers were not visible  in radiography, but noticed  in  UT testing in the
form of suspected  LF.

The contamination (even with all the precautions) could be due to quality of material, purity 
of argon gas or due to other unknown reasons.

we could overcome the problems not by grinding but with power brushing of each layer of
welding using SS stringer and cup brushes. 

The welds passed through and slag line traces/spots were not seen any more.



From: Tahir Olmez <>
Sent: Friday, 21 February 2014 3:53 AM
Subject: Re: [MW:20157] RE: Black spots on DSS Weld Joints.

Dear Friends ,
  We had the same problem  for tig (gtaw) ,  as we realised  that all black spots were small slag zones , the solution was grinding before pickling will exactly solve your problem  if there aren't any other problems or mistakes

Best Regards

>Tahir Bilge Olmez
>International Welding Eng.
>Met. & Mat Eng.
>Verify Europe  & Atlantic Marine Survey
>+90 544 6158801

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