Saturday, May 26, 2012

[MW:14358] Acceptance criteria for welding of Cupro-Nickel pipe

Dear friends,
We are doing welding (GTAW using 99.99% Argon & 70-30 cnsumable) of
CuNi - 90-10 pipe and all of them fall under class 1 pipe and forced
to examine the weld by Radiograpy. On review of radiograph, none of
the joint gets cleared. The only problem with welding is "POROSITY".
As pe our contract, the size of permissible porosity is 0.2t
(thickness of pipe is 3,4mm) and even 1mm porosity calls for repair.
Could any one share your knowledge on the following.
1. Acceptance criteria for RT of CuNi pipe weld
2. How to overcome from the porosity

Best Regards,

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[MW:35346] Cast-iron welding

Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone