Tuesday, June 22, 2010

[MW:5698] two halve pipe for Branch connection

In my opinion , yes, refer para 304.3.5

For branch connections which do not meet the requirements of para. 304.3.1(b), integral reinforcement, complete encirclement reinforcement, or other means of reinforcement should be considered.

a typical detail from one of the client std is appended below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Nivendkar Vinayak (Mumbai - Piping)" <V.Nivend...@ticb.com>
Date: Jun 8, 5:48 pm
Subject: two halve pipe for Branch connection
To: Materials & Welding

Dear all,

Regarding reinforcement of piping branch connection As per ASME B 31.3

Can we use two halves pipe for reinforcement of header pipe considering the actual Dh/Dt ratio is not fulfilling the requirements para 304.3.1(b).
Does ASME B 31.3 shall allowed these type of connection?

The same type branching connection mostly used in HOT tapping procedure.

Thanks in advance


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Re: [MW:35374] Material Certification 3.1 / 3.2/2.2--EIL India

Dear Perumal, I answer the same but got one more question where it is written that TPI witness is mandatory? -- https://materials-...