Tuesday, April 14, 2009

[MW:1940] Re: Variation in Pipe thickness

I think Vivek is asking for tolerance in welding
you can refer to Asme B31.3 Chapter 5 for Fabrication and refer the welding for Circ welding details and toteances for allignment of welding
and WPS never tells about the misalignment tolerance they only specify limitations of welding thickness and.....

--- On Tue, 4/14/09, ashish bhate <ashishbhate22@gmail.com> wrote:

From: ashish bhate <ashishbhate22@gmail.com>
Subject: [MW:1939] Re: Variation in Pipe thickness
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 9:27 AM

Hi Vivek raj,
THere is no limitatin specifically given by any code.However to answer your query,kindly take a note.When two pipes with same outer diameter but different thickness is ti be Butt welded,inorder to match the inner diameter,the thicker pipe is to be tappered from inside .The length/slope of tapper specified may be different by various codes e.g. ASME Section I says(Page 120 nearabout) the Taper shall be 1:3 of the difference in thickness of pipe(Thk. difference is 4mm.  than taper shall be 12 mm in length,slope will be adjsted by itself).
Hope the query is understood,
Ashish A. Bhate
Ref. to what your applicable code says.On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 9:44 AM, raj <ar.vivekraj@gmail.com> wrote:

I have a query , when there is welding between two CS pipes of
different schedules ( different thickness) needs to be butt welded for
process piping application.

what is maximum variation in the thickness of two pipes , that will
ensure a safe weld.

Is there any code that provides any limitation or guidance .



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