Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Re: [MW:31088] dissimilar material contact with each other like- stainless steel contact with carbon steel

One tadvise : never write "ss". This is reminding Hitlers murderers . When CS comes in contact with Stainless Steel the protective layer of stable Cr Oxide is destroyed,  On the top of that the traces of CS do not allow the Cr to come into contact with O2 to create again the protective Cr Oxid layer and thus corrosion is initiated. This phenomenon is called "iron contamination".
I don't know if there is any Code or standard. However, this is basic metallurgy and corrosion knowledge.
Don't forget that there is no substitute to engineer's judgement.

Στις Δευ, 29 Ιουν 2020 στις 11:07 π.μ., ο/η Rameez khan RK <> έγραψε:
Dear Experts,
            can any one tell me what is the cause if ss (stainless steel) in direct contact with cs (carbon steel). could anyone please define me as per standards and code.

Thank you 

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Dr. Georgios Dilintas,
Dipl. Ing. In Aeronautic and Space Engineering
Ph.D in Mechanics of Solids - Computational Mechanics
A.I.S, A.N.I, IRCA Lead Auditor
Welding, Stress Analysis, Corrosion, QA/QC, Failure Analysis, Risk Analysis

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