Saturday, July 2, 2011

Re: [MW:11569] factors leading to PWHT of piping

For service restrictions you need consult your process designer. generally look for this info PDS (process data sheet) or on piping material specification (PMS) or licencor specifications.

On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 1:00 AM, ags 36681 <> wrote:
Dear friends,

your kind advice is require on below issues.

  • What are the factors leading to PWHT of piping material, other than B31.3 PWHT requirement table ,
  • What kind of specific services requires PWHT mandatory. (like caustic is compulsory for certain temp., anything else).
  • Is it compulsory to PWHT of piping in chlorine service irrespective of thickness or P no. as per B31.3 table.

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