Thursday, July 28, 2011

[MW:11969] AISI 4140 Aluminium Branze overlay

AISI 4140 hard facing regarding by GTAW -2 layers above base material -App 6.0mm Height
Base material specification – (Client requirement) Heat treated to 95 KSI Tensile strength and 85 KSI Minimum Yield strength, Hardness between HBW 220 to 240
I used this forged Bar (Sliced into 30 mm THK Plate) for Aluminum Bronze hard facing & stress relieved at 620 deg for around 5 hrs .
We follow the ASME Sec IX for procedure qualification Specimen failed in Yield strength (Drop in yield strength around 75 KSI).
Any one can help me to post weld heat treatment (Post weld stress relief) thickness versus time and what are the effects of longer time PWHT below A1 temperature of Low alloy steel

Expert can help me


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[MW:35346] Cast-iron welding

Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone