Tuesday, July 26, 2011

[MW:11924] Welding Process Restriction



I have a 2 WPS qualified range as below:

1)     WPS A – Qualified Thickness Range from 1.6mm – 11.08mm ; diameter range is all diameter. (Gtaw process)

2)     WPS B – Qualified Thickness Range from 4.8mm – 22.0mm ; diameter range is all diameter. (Gtaw + Smaw process)

Both are qualified under ASME IX and for material with P No.1


Now, I need to weld a A106 GrB pipe 4” Sch40, can I use WPS A? Full Gtaw for 4” pipe? Any restriction for welding process pertaining diameter as in ASME IX?


Please Advice.




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[MW:35346] Cast-iron welding

Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone