Tuesday, April 14, 2009

[MW:1935] Re: Variation in Pipe thickness

Dear Vivek,

I think you will never get proper answer untill your working code.

Best Regards,


--- On Mon, 13/4/09, raj <ar.vivekraj@gmail.com> wrote:

From: raj <ar.vivekraj@gmail.com>
Subject: [MW:1934] Variation in Pipe thickness
To: "Materials & Welding" <materials-welding@googlegroups.com>
Date: Monday, 13 April, 2009, 7:44 PM

I have a query , when there is welding between two CS pipes of
different schedules ( different thickness) needs to be butt welded for
process piping application.

what is maximum variation in the thickness of two pipes , that will
ensure a safe weld.

Is there any code that provides any limitation or guidance .



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