Thursday, April 9, 2009

[MW:1906] RE: 1904] Re: 1901] Grinding of the weld reinforcement during AUT.

In such condition In case of SAW weld you get good finish and no need of grinding (In this case reinforcement should be  properly / smoothly contoured) and For SMAW weld bead should be properly overlapped say about 40% similar to overlay finish




From: [] On Behalf Of Snehkumar
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 10:35 AM
Subject: [MW:1904] Re: 1901] Grinding of the weld reinforcement during AUT.


Yes I agree to what you said but client says not to grind off the weld reinforcement at any cost.


Snehkumar L Mahuri



----- Original Message -----


Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 10:02 AM

Subject: [MW:1902] RE: 1901] Grinding of the weld reinforcement during AUT.


It required to grind not as per code but for correct interpretation , and to move  probe on weld smoothly




From: [] On Behalf Of Snehkumar
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 9:44 AM
Subject: [MW:1901] Grinding of the weld reinforcement during AUT.


In performing Auto UT (Phased Array UT), is it necessary to grind off the weld reinforcement to the level of parent material in Pipe to Elbow joint. If it is necessary then in which code it is mentioned.

And if weld reinforcement is grinded off will it affect the properties of the weld joint.


Snehkumar L Mahuri




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