Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Re: [MW:34860] WPS for overlay (QW 403.20)

This clause is pertaining to substrate Base material (P.No.) over which weld overlay is Done.

Normally the Client specification or the mandate code will specify the chemistry of the overlay and at what depth from the Fusion line.

An example of Refinery code giving chemistry requirement in API RP-582 below.

Inline image

Hope now you can read and understand.

Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar


On Wednesday, 10 April, 2024 at 10:47:15 am IST, Dương Vinh Quang <> wrote:

Dear experts,

I'm writing WPS for overlay following ASME IX, but I have a concern about section QW 403.20 " If the chemical composition of the weld metal overlay is specified in the WPS, a change in the P-Number listed in Table QW/QB-422 to another P-Number or unlisted base metal, or a change in Group Number for P-No. 10 or P-No. 11 base metals.
If the chemical composition of the weld metal overlay is not specified in the WPS, qualification on P-No. 5A or any lower P-Number base metal also qualifies for weld metal overlay on all lower P-Number base metals".

I hope that you can help me to explain about this paragraph. If possible, please give me a specifc example. Thank you all!

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