Sunday, April 21, 2024

[MW:34870] ASME IX, groove weld during WQT limits for Fillet Weld production

For ASME IX, in general, I am aware that a groove weld during WQT will qualify for all thicknesses for actual production's fillet weld.
However, is there a minimum required thickness for this groove weld during WQT?

We used a 5 mm plate for WQT groove weld, Single-V, GTAW + SMAW. GTAW by other welder/before WQT; The GTAW pass was about 4mm and the SMAW (excluding capping/reinforcement) was just 1 mm. Does this 1 mm pass qualify us to weld ALL thicknesses for fillet weld during production for the SMAW process?

During production, the joints are all T-Joint fillet weld using SMAW process.

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