Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Re: [MW:34508] ALUMINIUM 6082 -T6

 Aluminium Alloy 6082 has very good weldability, but strength is lowered in the weld zone. When welded to itself, alloy 4043 wire is
 recommended. If welding Aluminium alloy 6082 to 7005, alloy 5356 is used. 

You have not mentioned the parameters selected, tests conducted after welding, or approval standards followed (AWS D 1.2 / 

ISO 15614-2 etc.). Whether NDT (Radiography and visual) or DT (mechanical tests) were carried out before distortion correction.

Pores may create under-bead cracks and potential causes include:

  • Presence of molecular hydrogen.
  • hard microstructure.
  • High weld residual stresses.
  • Fast cooling rate.
  • Not applying preheat or insufficient preheating for welding.

      ·   Welding without cleaning moisture, etc.      


During the welding of the Aluminium alloy, hydrogen can cause pores, because its solubility in liquid Aluminium is much higher than 

that in solid Aluminium. Hydrogen is restrained in the molten pool with the advance of the solid-liquid interface. This could be avoided by 

pre-heating the job (due to its high thicknessand causing slow cooling.

Under the stress of external loading, a large number of hydrogen atoms may gather at the grain boundary resulting in stress concentration 

resulting in crack initiation; Under the action of external or tensile stress and a larger stress intensity factor, the poresgenerated by 

hydrogen atom absorption initiates cracks and shows different propagation modes.

Further, due to the higher coefficient of thermal expansion apart from joint pre-heating, avoid continuous welding. Follow sequence welding 

(placing welded metal at different points and joining them together) method, back-step method (to avoid heat concentration), job pre-setting 

(before tack welding) by 5 to 7 deg. etc. to control the distortion.

C Sridhar.





On Tue, 22 Aug 2023 at 09:30, Vishwas Keskar Welding Manager WELDING <> wrote:
Dear Experts 

ALUMINIUM 6082 -T6 - 32mm , 20 mm , 16 mm plates 
32mm ,-32mm- Butt joint
 20 mm-20 mm-Butt joint
16 mm - 16 mm -Butt joint
Above plates are jointed through butt joints  .
Welding Process - GMAW 
Gas - Argon 
Filler wire  - ER4043

Due to job part length , there is distortion at the vicinity of butt welds. So Cold straightening operation was carried out on Press. The weld/HAZ cracking is observed  immediately the press load is commenced

Pl. suggest suitable action for Welding/cold straightening 


Vishwas - IWE

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