Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Re: [MW:33878] Re: Duplex, super duplex stainless steel repair

It's normal with this material experience happening in Aramco different site .
You need to conduct 100% RT for but joint and conduct PT for branch connection.additionaly UT can be done .

For repair you need to conduct repair only for this as per requirement in SAES -W-16 separate repair WPS required .that repair procedure should be done full thickness repair..

On Wed, 28 Dec 2022, 11:02 Mohd Siraj, <> wrote:
I will do two additional things,

1. check pickling and passivation are done properly after fabrication.
2. hydrotesting water is potable water and is clean with very clean air/dry air after the test.

The welding engineer is giving 300% attention during the fabrication which is true..but leave welding after welding and post-welding precaution is not taking place.

On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 10:52:39 AM UTC+3 GANESH MUTHURAJAN wrote:
Good morning sir, 

Now i working with duplex and super duplex , RO plant.

How to do the repairs in this material, for example we found two segment in 10 mm  in 14 inch pipe. 

Can we do partial repair, or fully cutout and reweld.  Any code reference advice to do full cutout, or partial.

Second case this plant was handed over to the Clint, during commissioning we found leakage, not only the butt joint, even in the branch connection, 

Aramco advise to do 100 %rt butt joint and branch.

Branch we can't do RT, placing a film is deficult.  What to do in this. 

Please advise me your experience and international, Aramco code reference.

Thank you

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