Tuesday, October 30, 2018

[MW:28529] Branch PWHT - Control Thickness

Dear Sir,

Welding of pipe branch connection with RF pad.
Header size: 20mm; Thickness of RF Pad: 20mm
Branch pipe thickness: 10.97mm
Whether PWHT is required for the branch connection?

As per ASME B 31.3, Clause 331.1.3 (a), the PWHT control thickness is the lesser of the below two conditions,

(1) the thickness of the weld [ As per clause 331.1.3 (b) (5) the control thickness of branch can be calculated.]

(2) the thickness of the materials being joined at the weld or the thickness of the pressure-containing material if the weld is attaching a nonpressure containing material to a pressure-containing material.

Here can i consider (2) as 20mm as that is the thickness of the material being used in this situation and consider the same as the control thickness for PWHT?


Hareesh K V

Hareesh K V

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