Monday, February 20, 2017

[MW:26111] Re: About GMAW , metal transfer technique recognition

Referring to PQR & PQT, it is defined whether it is spray transfer / globular transfer / short circuiting as per different welding condition(ex., current,) and qualified. In filed, following up one of the three conditions given in WPS which is based on PQR & PQT can target one of the three techniques as you want. 

2017년 2월 20일 월요일 오전 8시 40분 13초 UTC+4, Prasad Rode 님의 말:
Dear sir,

All of we know that in GMAW process, there are three metal transfer techniques.
1) spray transfer.
2) globular transfer
3) short circuiting.

We know that, as per different temperature, voltage and with different shielding gases also, different technique generated.
But, on site and in practicality, how we come to know that welder is using which type of technique.


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