Tuesday, June 30, 2009

[MW:2602] Re: 2567] Help Needed in Brazing

Please go through the clause QB141.4 , it calls for the sectioning test if the peel test is not possible .
If possible , u have to given priority for the peel test only.
Since Peel reveals exactly fusion defects than the sectioning , priority will be given to the peel test

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 2:25 PM, PB HEGDE <hegde.pb@isgec.com> wrote:


I could not open the file but For lap joint  when two strips are to be joined some time vacuum brazing are carried with thin sheath is used as a filler ,  and this passes peel test





From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com [mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Sachin Joshi
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 10:16 AM
Subject: [MW:2567] Help Needed in Brazing


Dear Sir,

We are having some difficulty in coming to common grounds with our customer on interpretation of ASME Section 9 qualification requirements for Copper to Copper lap joint with filler metal. I will try to explain you the entire case for your perusal and advice.
We are in the business of large motors for cement plants, generators and similar applications. The customer asks for qualification of operators in welding and brazing as per ASME section 9. The entire details of the joint are as attached in the document.
As per our interpretation
of code the code asks for Tension test, Peel test and Section test. We get the tests done in approved authorised laboratories.
In all the tests the trend is such that the brazing coupons are passing in tensile tests and sectioning tests.
But the Peel test coupons does not have consistency in qualifying as per norms. As per the qualification criteria the test are basically visual inspection and have some inbuilt subjectivity hence the dispute keeps on recurring about the consistency of qualification.
In the clause QB-141.4 its is suggested that if the filler metal used has a greater strength than the base metal strength ( in out case UTS of base metal is 205 N/sq.mm, and filler metal UST is 250 N/sq mm) then the Peel test can be replaced with sectioning test. The customer is not agreeable as he feels that we are finding escape route by pointing to this clause.

Can you please throw some light on this issue with technical details of this substitution of peel test with sectioning test.

Kindly revert.

Sachin Joshi


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[MW:2601] Re: Welding repair of gate valve

I do not think that the buffer layer is required.

On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 15:08:49 +0530 wrote
>Normally you require a buffer layer of austentic stainless steel ( E309 or E 347 ]prior to carrying out Stellite overlay thereby avoid cracking and need to ensure cracking is not present by DPI
>Francis Lobo .
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Nikhil
>To: waheedullah@fatima-group.com
>Cc: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
>Sent: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:23:29 +0530 (IST)
>Subject: [MW:2598] Re: Welding repair of gate valve
>Whether cracks observed in Seat or other part?
>If in seat and if it is stellited, ou need to remove stellite before depositing fresh weld of stellite.
>On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:18:08 +0530 wrote
>>Dear all,
>>Kindly advise repair of cracks observed in gate (overlay of satellite-6 on
>>F-6 base material)
>>S.Waheedullah Shah
>Click for exclusive coverage on the Maruti Ritz by ZigWheels.com experts
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[MW:2600] Re: Welding repair of gate valve

Normally you require a buffer layer of austentic stainless steel ( E309 or E 347 ]prior to carrying out Stellite overlay thereby avoid cracking and need to ensure cracking is not present by DPI

Francis Lobo .
----- Original Message -----
From: Nikhil
To: waheedullah@fatima-group.com
Cc: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:23:29 +0530 (IST)
Subject: [MW:2598] Re: Welding repair of gate valve

Whether cracks observed in Seat or other part?

If in seat and if it is stellited, ou need to remove stellite before depositing fresh weld of stellite.


On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:18:08 +0530 wrote

>Dear all,


>Kindly advise repair of cracks observed in gate (overlay of satellite-6 on

>F-6 base material)




>S.Waheedullah Shah





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[MW:2597] Welding repair of gate valve

Dear all,

Kindly advise repair of cracks observed in gate (overlay of satellite-6 on F-6 base material)


S.Waheedullah Shah

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[MW:2599] RE: 2588] Temperbead WPS Qualification

Pl refer QW-290 of ASME Sec IX (2007) for Temper bead Welding and its


-----Original Message-----
From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
[mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Minal
Sent: 29 June 2009 19:58
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:2588] Temperbead WPS Qualification

I writing WPS that will include a Temperbead Tech, Preparing a set to
test WPS at the shop Facilities using
28 inch runpipe with 6 to 8 inch brach. What kind of mechanical tesing
shall be expected, if the code of construction will be ASME Sec.8 Div
i know there will be a hardness test, any other help some pne can give
me idea to test?

Thanks in advance,

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[MW:2598] Re: Welding repair of gate valve

Whether cracks observed in Seat or other part?

If in seat and if it is stellited, ou need to remove stellite before depositing fresh weld of stellite.


On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:18:08 +0530 wrote
>Dear all,
>Kindly advise repair of cracks observed in gate (overlay of satellite-6 on
>F-6 base material)
>S.Waheedullah Shah
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[MW:2595] Re: Welding Ti tube to Ni-Al-Bronze weld overlay

Expand only with grooves, no welding tube-to-tubesheet.


T. Rizal H

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Raghuram
Bathula<raghurambathula@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have come across a HE data sheet specifies Ni-Al-Bronze weldoverlay
> on CS tubesheet and tubes as Titanium. How these will be joined any
> idea, please advice?
> >


T. Rizal Hidayat

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[MW:2596] Fw: Re: [MW:2593] Welding Ti tube to Ni-Al-Bronze weld overlay

Note: Forwarded message attached

-- Original Message --

From: "Nikhil" nikhilrp_2006@rediffmail.com
To: raghurambathula@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [MW:2593] Welding Ti tube to Ni-Al-Bronze weld overlay
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[MW:2594] Re: QW 407.3

I think it is QW-407.2 you guys are referring, because QW407.3 does not appear in Sec.IX 2007 edition !


Prem Nautiyal

On Sun, 28 Jun 2009 19:41:18 +0530 wrote
>you are right, rajagopal
>On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:28 AM, rajagopal kannan <
>rajagopal.kannan@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> That is if you do heat treatment of your PQR Test coupon to 80 minutes
>> soaking time, then you can write a WPS for production welds to the maximum
>> of 100 minutes soaking time.
>> Thanks,
>> K.Rajagopal
>>   On 6/27/09, Jamie Welding wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Can any one of u interpret the QW 407.3.
>>> Especially the part PQR should be at least 80% aggregate times that in
>>> production welds.
>>> >>
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[MW:2593] Welding Ti tube to Ni-Al-Bronze weld overlay

I have come across a HE data sheet specifies Ni-Al-Bronze weldoverlay
on CS tubesheet and tubes as Titanium. How these will be joined any
idea, please advice?

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[MW:2592] Re: 2583] welding rod selection for dissimilar materials

You are right Vasnath,we have done many repair work of such combination with same consumable.
But also ER309L and E309Mo-17 can use for such combination.

Thanks & Regards
Narendra Gohil
Welding Engineer
Email: ngohil@qafco.com.qa

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From: "Chandra, Vasanthan (Lagos)" <Vasanthan.Chandra@DeltaAfrik.com>
To: <materials-welding@googlegroups.com>
Date: 29/06/2009 16:56
Subject: [MW:2585] RE: 2583] welding rod selection for dissimilar materials
Sent by: materials-welding@googlegroups.com

Ni alloy electrode can be used Like GTAW- ERNiCrMo-3, SMAW - ENiCrMo-3.


-----Original Message-----
From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Srinivas
Sent: 29 June 2009 14:12
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:2583] welding rod selection for dissimilar materials

Dear all,

                  kindly let me know which welding filler wire &
welding rod can be used for A335 Gr.P 22 to S.S 316 materials

Thank you.


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[MW:2591] Re: Formula to measure tensile

Dear Zoel,
Its load/Area of cross section.

On 6/29/09, Zulfan Syahrian <z.syahrian@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear All,
anybody can advice me formula to get ultimate tensile strength in Ksi?,if test specimen have thickness 24.60mm,wide 20.36mm and ultimate tensile load 284.29KN
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[MW:2590] Re: welding rod selection for dissimilar materials

Dear Srinivas,
I think I forgot to mention, if the service condition is above 350 deg C, then have to use Ni -based consumable, like ENiCrMo-3 ..
below 350Deg C, you can use the consumables what I have mentioned earlier.

On 6/30/09, Sukamal Naskar <sukamalbecmet@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Srinivas,
If A335 Gr.P22 require PWHT depending on the thickness or service condition, then go for a buffer layer on P22 material with E309MoL , then perform the PWHT, after PWHT do the butt joint with SS316 using E316L consumable.
If, P22 doesn't require any PWHT depending on the thickness or service condition, then you can weld  with SS316 using E309MoL consumable.

On 6/29/09, Srinivas <asrinivas0304@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear all,

                  kindly let me know which welding filler wire &
welding rod can be used for A335 Gr.P 22 to S.S 316 materials

Thank you.


Sukamal Naskar

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[MW:2589] Re: welding rod selection for dissimilar materials

Dear Srinivas,
If A335 Gr.P22 require PWHT depending on the thickness or service condition, then go for a buffer layer on P22 material with E309MoL , then perform the PWHT, after PWHT do the butt joint with SS316 using E316L consumable.
If, P22 doesn't require any PWHT depending on the thickness or service condition, then you can weld  with SS316 using E309MoL consumable.

On 6/29/09, Srinivas <asrinivas0304@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear all,

                  kindly let me know which welding filler wire &
welding rod can be used for A335 Gr.P 22 to S.S 316 materials

Thank you.


Sukamal Naskar

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[MW:2588] Temperbead WPS Qualification

I writing WPS that will include a Temperbead Tech, Preparing a set to
test WPS at the shop Facilities using
28 inch runpipe with 6 to 8 inch brach. What kind of mechanical tesing
shall be expected, if the code of construction will be ASME Sec.8 Div
i know there will be a hardness test, any other help some pne can give
me idea to test?

Thanks in advance,

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Monday, June 29, 2009

[MW:2587] Re: telltale hole

If you fabriate any reinforcements into two pieces then you need to have the tell tall hole on horizontal axis, in order to find the leaks in horizontal welds,
Please refer 3.7.5 of API 650
K. Babu

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 10:49 PM, navin ullas <navinullas@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear All
As per API 650 the telltale hole for a reinforcement pad should be
kept in horizontal position or axis ,can anybody explain why?
Thank you in advance

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[MW:2586] Re: 2583] welding rod selection for dissimilarmaterials

Using the below mentioned welding consumables with proper preheat on P22 side does not even require PWHT .

Best Regards,
Francis Lobo
----- Original Message -----
From: Vasanthan Chandra (Lagos) <Vasanthan.Chandra@DeltaAfrik.com>
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 19:02:34 +0530 (IST)
Subject: [MW:2585] RE: 2583] welding rod selection for dissimilar materials

Ni alloy electrode can be used Like GTAW- ERNiCrMo-3, SMAW - ENiCrMo-3.


-----Original Message-----
From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
[mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Srinivas
Sent: 29 June 2009 14:12
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:2583] welding rod selection for dissimilar materials

Dear all,

kindly let me know which welding filler wire &
welding rod can be used for A335 Gr.P 22 to S.S 316 materials

Thank you.


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[MW:2585] RE: 2583] welding rod selection for dissimilar materials

Ni alloy electrode can be used Like GTAW- ERNiCrMo-3, SMAW - ENiCrMo-3.


-----Original Message-----
From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
[mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Srinivas
Sent: 29 June 2009 14:12
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:2583] welding rod selection for dissimilar materials

Dear all,

kindly let me know which welding filler wire &
welding rod can be used for A335 Gr.P 22 to S.S 316 materials

Thank you.


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If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by return email and delete the email and any attachments.
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[MW:2584] Re: Formula to measure tensile

82.235 is your answer..just try to calculate yourself 

This is very basic and one must know prior to utilise this forum to upgrade the knowledge as prerequisite !!

You can find the same in the Code books all formula given. You can use the  conversion software readily available.

Sorry for being harsh but you have to learn some things on your own.....instead of wasting precious time of mail readers of this forums.


From: Zulfan Syahrian <z.syahrian@gmail.com>
To: Material&Welding Group <materials-welding@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Monday, 29 June, 2009 2:59:19 PM
Subject: [MW:2582] Formula to measure tensile

Dear All,
anybody can advice me formula to get ultimate tensile strength in Ksi?,if test specimen have thickness 24.60mm,wide 20.36mm and ultimate tensile load 284.29KN

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[MW:2583] welding rod selection for dissimilar materials

Dear all,

kindly let me know which welding filler wire &
welding rod can be used for A335 Gr.P 22 to S.S 316 materials

Thank you.


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[MW:2582] Formula to measure tensile

Dear All,
anybody can advice me formula to get ultimate tensile strength in Ksi?,if test specimen have thickness 24.60mm,wide 20.36mm and ultimate tensile load 284.29KN

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[MW:2581] Re: pci course

I would agree - we have just had one of our team trained by NACE this year
Kerrie Christian

From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com [materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Sachin Joshi [sachin.joshi@cgl.co.in]
Sent: Monday, 29 June 2009 14:29
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Subject: [MW:2564] Re: pci course

The paint inspection courses conducted by SSPC or NACE are honoured in Gulf countries but I would suggest to go for NACE as it is more evolved. I am sorry but that is my personal opinion and no offense towards SSPC as a society or technological expertise.

-----Original Message-----
From: andiappan pillai <sandiappan@yahoo.co.in>
Reply-to: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Subject: [MW:2560] pci course
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 06:31:51 +0530 (IST)

Does any one knows about , paint coating inspection conducted by sspc ,usa ? is it honored by gulf countries?. thanks in advance S.A.Pillai.

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[MW:2580] Re: SA-276 type 316 Bar

I want to weld SS-304L cleat on it by GTAW.
Devang Patel
Manager Engineering
Ph :+91-265-3056392-3056100
Fax :+91-265-2333398-2341449
email : devangp@inoxindia.com
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: [MW:2570] SA-276 type 316 Bar

What welding exactly you want to do here, if you could elaborate on that, the members will be in a better position to answer...

--- On Mon, 29/6/09, Devang Patel <devangp@inoxindia.com> wrote:

From: Devang Patel <devangp@inoxindia.com>
Subject: [MW:2570] SA-276 type 316 Bar
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 11:21 AM

We have a rod of SA-276 TP316 with Condition S, Some of my senior told, welding is not permitted on this rod but i have not found any restriction in ASME code.
Can anyone know about it?
Devang Patel
Manager Engineering
Ph :+91-265-3056392-3056100
Fax :+91-265-2333398-2341449
email :

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[MW:2579] Re: diff. hyddaulic & hydrostatic

the word hydraulic is ordinary language, code always specify as
the word static means the liquid is in static state, thats what my
understanding is

do u ever come across hydro dynamic test?

On Jun 29, 10:38 am, prashant pansare <prashantpan...@yahoo.co.in>
> Dear friends ,
> What is diff. bet' n hydraulic & hydrostatic?
> psp
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[MW:2578] Re: welding of SS 316

To weld SS 316 you should use matching SS consumable. It it is not a "L" grade material like SS 316L , you can use E316 for SMAW / ER 316 for GAW , & if the base material is "L" grade like SS 316L, you have to use E316L or ER316L, but even in both the cases you can use E316L / ER316L consumable.
Pre-heating & PWHT is not required for Austenetic Stainless steel ( SS 316 ). But if your working place is full of moisture or in rain condition, you can apply heat just to remove the moisture from the surface of the joint to be welded.

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:27 PM, sandy kumar <sandy001987@gmail.com> wrote:
Can any one tell me how to weld SS 316 to SS316 ?

Sukamal Naskar

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[MW:2577] Re: lifetime of a qualified WPS

Please respond to what code
depending on the code that will range from every project they need to be
required to every 5 years to never expired,

Original Message:
From: sandy kumar sandy001987@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 09:58:09 +0530
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Subject: [MW:2565] lifetime of a qualified WPS

Can anyone tell whats is the validity period of a qualified WPS?

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[MW:2576] equivalent material grade

Dear Friends,
What is the equivalent material grade of TTSE 355 Z3 -Material

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[MW:2575] Re: Fw: [MW:2566] Re: lifetime of a qualified WPS

Dear Sir,

Please refer QW100.3

On 6/29/09, kataiah@bilfal.com <kataiah@bilfal.com> wrote:
> Dear Mr.Raghuram
> If code changes after some years & there is a change in
> essential/supplementary essential variables, the wps will be valid.
> regards
> P.Kataiah
> ----- Forwarded by Kataiah/BelleliSA on 29/06/2009 07:44 ص -----
> "BR" <raghurambathula@gmail.com>
> Sent by: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
> 29/06/2009 07:37 ص
> Please respond to materials-welding
> To: "Materials & Welding" <materials-welding@googlegroups.com>
> cc:
> Subject: [MW:2566] Re: lifetime of a qualified WPS
> None, yes its forever as long as it represents your production weld.
> However changes may be made in the nonessential variables of a WPS to
> suit production requirements without requalification provided such
> changes are documented with respect to the essential, nonessential,
> and, when required, supplementary essential variables for each
> process. This may be by amendment to the WPS or by use of a new WPS.
> Changes in essential or supplementary essential (when required)
> variables require requalification of the WPS (new or additional PQRs
> to support the change in essential or
> supplementary essential variables).
> On Jun 29, 8:28 am, sandy kumar <sandy001...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can anyone tell whats is the validity period of a qualified WPS?
> >

Hareesh K V

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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2574] Re: SA-276 type 316 Bar

Dear Devang,

Welding on 276 Type 410 only pbm It will create crack. A276 Type 316 We didnt faced any pbm. ( We have used this material in Valves.)

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Shashank Vagal <nach_sam@yahoo.com> wrote:
What welding exactly you want to do here, if you could elaborate on that, the members will be in a better position to answer...

--- On Mon, 29/6/09, Devang Patel <devangp@inoxindia.com> wrote:

From: Devang Patel <devangp@inoxindia.com>
Subject: [MW:2570] SA-276 type 316 Bar
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 11:21 AM

We have a rod of SA-276 TP316 with Condition S, Some of my senior told, welding is not permitted on this rod but i have not found any restriction in ASME code.
Can anyone know about it?
Devang Patel
Manager Engineering
Ph :+91-265-3056392-3056100
Fax :+91-265-2333398-2341449
email :

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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2573] Re: SA-276 type 316 Bar

What welding exactly you want to do here, if you could elaborate on that, the members will be in a better position to answer...

--- On Mon, 29/6/09, Devang Patel <devangp@inoxindia.com> wrote:

From: Devang Patel <devangp@inoxindia.com>
Subject: [MW:2570] SA-276 type 316 Bar
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 11:21 AM

We have a rod of SA-276 TP316 with Condition S, Some of my senior told, welding is not permitted on this rod but i have not found any restriction in ASME code.
Can anyone know about it?
Devang Patel
Manager Engineering
Ph :+91-265-3056392-3056100
Fax :+91-265-2333398-2341449
email :

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[MW:2572] diff. hyddaulic & hydrostatic

Dear friends ,
What is diff. bet' n hydraulic & hydrostatic?

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[MW:2571] RE: 2567] Help Needed in Brazing


I could not open the file but For lap joint  when two strips are to be joined some time vacuum brazing are carried with thin sheath is used as a filler ,  and this passes peel test





From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com [mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Sachin Joshi
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 10:16 AM
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Subject: [MW:2567] Help Needed in Brazing


Dear Sir,

We are having some difficulty in coming to common grounds with our customer on interpretation of ASME Section 9 qualification requirements for Copper to Copper lap joint with filler metal. I will try to explain you the entire case for your perusal and advice.
We are in the business of large motors for cement plants, generators and similar applications. The customer asks for qualification of operators in welding and brazing as per ASME section 9. The entire details of the joint are as attached in the document.
As per our interpretation of code the code asks for Tension test, Peel test and Section test. We get the tests done in approved authorised laboratories.
In all the tests the trend is such that the brazing coupons are passing in tensile tests and sectioning tests.
But the Peel test coupons does not have consistency in qualifying as per norms. As per the qualification criteria the test are basically visual inspection and have some inbuilt subjectivity hence the dispute keeps on recurring about the consistency of qualification.
In the clause QB-141.4 its is suggested that if the filler metal used has a greater strength than the base metal strength ( in out case UTS of base metal is 205 N/sq.mm, and filler metal UST is 250 N/sq mm) then the Peel test can be replaced with sectioning test. The customer is not agreeable as he feels that we are finding escape route by pointing to this clause.

Can you please throw some light on this issue with technical details of this substitution of peel test with sectioning test.

Kindly revert.

Sachin Joshi


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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2570] SA-276 type 316 Bar

We have a rod of SA-276 TP316 with Condition S, Some of my senior told, welding is not permitted on this rod but i have not found any restriction in ASME code.
Can anyone know about it?
Devang Patel
Manager Engineering
Ph :+91-265-3056392-3056100
Fax :+91-265-2333398-2341449
email :

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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2569] Fw: [MW:2566] Re: lifetime of a qualified WPS

Dear Mr.Raghuram

If code changes after some years & there is a change in essential/supplementary essential variables, the wps will be valid.



----- Forwarded by Kataiah/BelleliSA on 29/06/2009 07:44 ص -----
"BR" <raghurambathula@gmail.com>
Sent by: materials-welding@googlegroups.com

29/06/2009 07:37 ص
Please respond to materials-welding

        To:        "Materials & Welding" <materials-welding@googlegroups.com>
        Subject:        [MW:2566] Re: lifetime of a qualified WPS

None, yes its forever as long as it represents your production weld.
However changes may be made in the nonessential variables of a WPS to
suit production requirements without requalification provided such
changes are documented with respect to the essential, nonessential,
and, when required, supplementary essential variables for each
process. This may be by amendment to the WPS or by use of a new WPS.
Changes in essential or supplementary essential (when required)
variables require requalification of the WPS (new or additional PQRs
to support the change in essential or
supplementary essential variables).

On Jun 29, 8:28 am, sandy kumar <sandy001...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can anyone tell whats is the validity period of a qualified WPS?

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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2568] Re: thermo mechanical steel

These steels are produced with accelerated/controlled cooling to get
the improved mechanical properties, particularly toughness. due to
this inherent charecterstic of TMCP process, these can't be formed at
elevated temperatures.
check the link for more info about the process.

ASME SA 841 is TMCP steel

On Jun 27, 3:35 pm, Arjan van Vessum <vess_kiw...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >580 degrees its mechanical properties can/will decrease
> Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 04:30:36 -0700
> From: asghari...@rocketmail.com
> Subject: [MW:2547] thermo mechanical steel
> To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
> hi
> why isn't allowed heat treating in the range(590+/- 10) for TM (THERMO MECHANICAL) STEEAL?
> rjd.
> _________________________________________________________________
> Nieuws, entertainment en de laatste roddels. Je vind het op MSN.nl!http://nl.msn.com/
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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2567] Help Needed in Brazing

Dear Sir,

We are having some difficulty in coming to common grounds with our customer on interpretation of ASME Section 9 qualification requirements for Copper to Copper lap joint with filler metal. I will try to explain you the entire case for your perusal and advice.
We are in the business of large motors for cement plants, generators and similar applications. The customer asks for qualification of operators in welding and brazing as per ASME section 9. The entire details of the joint are as attached in the document.
As per our interpretation of code the code asks for Tension test, Peel test and Section test. We get the tests done in approved authorised laboratories.
In all the tests the trend is such that the brazing coupons are passing in tensile tests and sectioning tests.
But the Peel test coupons does not have consistency in qualifying as per norms. As per the qualification criteria the test are basically visual inspection and have some inbuilt subjectivity hence the dispute keeps on recurring about the consistency of qualification.
In the clause QB-141.4 its is suggested that if the filler metal used has a greater strength than the base metal strength ( in out case UTS of base metal is 205 N/sq.mm, and filler metal UST is 250 N/sq mm) then the Peel test can be replaced with sectioning test. The customer is not agreeable as he feels that we are finding escape route by pointing to this clause.

Can you please throw some light on this issue with technical details of this substitution of peel test with sectioning test.

Kindly revert.

Sachin Joshi

[MW:2566] Re: lifetime of a qualified WPS

None, yes its forever as long as it represents your production weld.
However changes may be made in the nonessential variables of a WPS to
suit production requirements without requalification provided such
changes are documented with respect to the essential, nonessential,
and, when required, supplementary essential variables for each
process. This may be by amendment to the WPS or by use of a new WPS.
Changes in essential or supplementary essential (when required)
variables require requalification of the WPS (new or additional PQRs
to support the change in essential or
supplementary essential variables).

On Jun 29, 8:28 am, sandy kumar <sandy001...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can anyone tell whats is the validity period of a qualified WPS?
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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2564] Re: pci course

The paint inspection courses conducted by SSPC or NACE are honoured in Gulf countries but I would suggest to go for NACE as it is more evolved. I am sorry but that is my personal opinion and no offense towards SSPC as a society or technological expertise.

-----Original Message-----
From: andiappan pillai <sandiappan@yahoo.co.in>
Reply-to: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Subject: [MW:2560] pci course
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 06:31:51 +0530 (IST)

Does any one knows about , paint coating inspection conducted by sspc ,usa ? is it honored by gulf countries?. thanks in advance S.A.Pillai.

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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2565] lifetime of a qualified WPS

Can anyone tell whats is the validity period of a qualified WPS?
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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2563] welding of SS 316

Can any one tell me how to weld SS 316 to SS316 ?
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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

[MW:2562] Re: QW 407.3

you are right, rajagopal

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:28 AM, rajagopal kannan <rajagopal.kannan@gmail.com> wrote:
That is if you do heat treatment of your PQR Test coupon to 80 minutes soaking time, then you can write a WPS for production welds to the maximum of 100 minutes soaking time.
On 6/27/09, Jamie Welding <jamesmathewtrading@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi folks,
Can any one of u interpret the QW 407.3.
Especially the part PQR should be at least 80% aggregate times that in
production welds.


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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2561] Re: QW 407.3

That is if you do heat treatment of your PQR Test coupon to 80 minutes soaking time, then you can write a WPS for production welds to the maximum of 100 minutes soaking time.
On 6/27/09, Jamie Welding <jamesmathewtrading@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi folks,
Can any one of u interpret the QW 407.3.
Especially the part PQR should be at least 80% aggregate times that in
production welds.
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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2560] pci course

Does any one knows about , paint coating inspection conducted by sspc ,usa ?
is it honored by gulf countries?.
thanks in advance

ICC World Twenty20 England '09 exclusively on YAHOO! CRICKET --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

[MW:2559] QW 407.3

Hi folks,
Can any one of u interpret the QW 407.3.
Especially the part PQR should be at least 80% aggregate times that in
production welds.

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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2558] Re: thermo mechanical steel

>580 degrees its mechanical properties can/will decrease

Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 04:30:36 -0700
From: asghariali@rocketmail.com
Subject: [MW:2547] thermo mechanical steel
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com

why isn't allowed heat treating in the range(590+/- 10) for TM (THERMO MECHANICAL) STEEAL?

Deel je favoriete foto's online met Windows Live Photos
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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

[MW:2557] Re: 2550] D1.1 - WPS - Semi-Auto vs Auto - Need new PQR/WPS

You can use existing WPQR, as you already mentioned you have to stay within qualified ranges (positions).

> Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 08:55:53 -0700
> Subject: [MW:2554] Re: 2550] D1.1 - WPS - Semi-Auto vs Auto - Need new PQR/WPS
> From: JRupert@Dresser-Rand.com
> To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
> Any issues with welder vs welding operator qualification? I'm less
> familiar with D1.1 vs ASME.
> On Jun 25, 9:34 am, "Armstrong, Joel" <JoelArmstr...@letu.edu> wrote:
> > Yes, we've done the same thing here with the approval of ABS and no need to requalify.
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> > From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com on behalf of ikaria73
> > Sent: Thu 6/25/2009 8:27 AM
> > To: Materials & Welding
> > Subject: [MW:2550] D1.1 - WPS - Semi-Auto vs Auto - Need new PQR/WPS
> >
> > Hello,
> > Is a new PQR required if the process is changed from semi-automatic to
> > automatic?  I am welding piles and would like to use a BUG-O system
> > with FCAW-GS and already have a PQR/WPS with FCAW-GS semi-automatic.
> > Can I use the existing PQR to create a new WPS as long as I stay
> > within the procedures?
> >
> > Regards
> >
> >  winmail.dat
> > 5KViewDownload
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
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The views expressed/exchnaged in this group are members personel views and meant for educational purposes only, Users must take their own decisions w.r.t. applicable code/standard/contract documents.

Friday, June 26, 2009

[MW:2556] Re: Does any body knows about water tight weld.

If its not ASME you can carry out vacuum box test, generally its being done for tanks.

From: harish katesia <harish.katesia@gmail.com>
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, 25 June, 2009 8:15:26 PM
Subject: [MW:2548] Re: Does any body knows about water tight weld.

Dear sir,
I am talking for the product of hydro-power plant area, The component has got bowl kind of shape.The size of the component is 6 meter diameter & 4 meter in height.
The design has asked to check with 100% U.T. & in addition to this, needs to be check for water tightness.
So for such a big size component, filling of water is not feasible, so does ASME codes has any provision to check for water tightness except to fill with water
Hydro test also can not be done.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Raghuram Bathula <raghurambathula@gmail.com> wrote:
fill with water, if it doesn't leak its water tight!!
ASME has requirements for hydro test depends on design conditions and the applicable code. 

It is necessary to specify the type of item and applicable code, design conditions etc, to have appropriate answer.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 2:21 PM, harish katesia <harish.katesia@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear all,
Can anybody tell me what is water-tight weld & how to ensure this.
Do we have any standards for this or does ASME talks for this.?

Harish katesia
Mob no.09601551774

Harish katesia
Mob no.09601551774

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

[MW:2555] Is thermal cutting is allowed in structural base plates having 50mm thick

 Can any one explain why gas cutting is not allowed in structural fabrication (hole enlarging).is this effects any metallurgical properties of base metal.please gave some structural code reference.



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Yes, You can machine the Plate.  Prepare the Welding Running Sheet and mention 14 mm Plate machined to 8 mm Plate.  then the groove weld qua...