Monday, August 1, 2022

Re: [MW:33339] Need support for gas cutting and welding ,shot blasting and painting costing.

Good explanation from rao. You can arrive at these factors from elecrode manufacturer handbook like Esab etc.. from the weight of the electrode  to the weight of the deposited metal. Normally  for electrode estimation find area of the joint and find the volume x density x factor. But nowadays there are one software which makes your work simplier

On Mon, 1 Aug 2022 at 14:00, srinivas rao
<> wrote:

Hi Sachin ,                                                                                     

 In addition to trailing mail formulas, you can also approach with different ways for calculating / arriving formulas for the weight with reference to groove designs involved in drawings.

weight of weld metal for each joint should be multiplied by the some wastage factors  to arrive final weight of welding consumable required for joint.

These factors are achieved based on some assumptions like minimum wastage, optimized practices for utilization of electrodes/filler wires, minimised unnecessary scraping by maintaining good engineering practices of consumable handling etc..

Refer below multiplication factors for common welding processes used at site /shop work places.

Arc welding process               Multiplication factor

GTAW                                           1.1 to 1.15

SMAW                                          1.5 to 1.8

GMAW                                         1.05 to 1.1

SMAW                                          1.05 to 1.1

FCAW                                             1.1 to 1.2

At initial stages of work, you can go with above calculations and during production welding progress the Actual multiplication factors can be derived for your application by observing the actual consumption during the production welding of each size/joint type at your factory /or site work. And re-do theconsolidate the consuamble quantity for final purchase. 

Thanks& Regards,
Srinivas Rao
welding Engineer
On Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 11:45:06 AM UTC+4 Sham Shahabuddin T I wrote:
Dear Mr. Sachin 

Please find the attached for consumable weight calculation slides.


On Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 5:00 PM Sachin Gonjare <> wrote:
Dear All Experts
Please help me ,I want to do actual costing (for arc and CO2 welding)of gas consumption,electrode consumption,CO2 wire consumption.If have any data please share. .

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