Monday, August 15, 2022

[MW:33379] Re: Delivery Condition of the Plate

Dear Experts,


Corrected Specification No.5 = Dish head prepared by Hot forming with a tem. less than 11°C of NR Tem. At Mill

Thank You & Regards
Williams P Wilson
QA/QC Engineer

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On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 4:15 PM williams p wilson <> wrote:
Dear Experts,

Please advise about the "Delivery conditions of the Plate" required to form a 2:1 Seli Ellipse Dish Heads with respect to the below specification.
1) Material Grade = SA 516 Gr.70
2) Minimum Required Thickness of the Dish Head = 70 mm
   Actual thickness suggest by the dish head supplier = 85 mm
3) Vessel Design Pressure = -28.88 to 121.11 Degree C
4) Service = Sour 
5) Dish head prepared by Hot forming with a tem.> 11°C of NR Tem. At Mill
6) Dish head will be Normalized @ 920 Degree C Max considered after forming.
7) Normalizing holding time shall be 1-1.5 Min/mm (Mill MTC / SPWHT)
8) Dish head prepared with a single longitudinal joint.

Thank You & Regards
Williams P Wilson
QA/QC Engineer
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