Wednesday, August 17, 2022

[MW:33384] Temper Bead Welding - PQR Qualification Test

Dear Experts, 
Greetings to All

Please support with your inputs to do the groove weld PQR qualification with Temper Bead Welding.
As per the attached figure QW-462.12 (attached below) , I will be preparing the test coupon for the groove weld.Material will be SA 516 Gr. 70 (N) and the plate thickness will be 20 mm.
As per the figure QW-462.12, the first step will be to make the weld beads against the base metal as shown in the figure.
The Second step is to do the First Layer of Tempering Beads.
Question No.1 - What they mean by tempering beads, Welding with 2.5 mm dia electrode + grind layer 50 % 
The Third step is to do the Second Layer of Tempering Beads 
Question No.2 - This means to do the welding with 3.2 mm dia electrode + grind layer 20 %

How will be the Fill Weld Beads & surface Temper weld Reinforcing Beads 

Thank You & Regards
Williams P Wilson
QA/QC Engineer
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