Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Re: [MW:30362] how to verify the weld joint integrity without destructive test-reg

Hi pillai

As I know, you cannot check the weld integrity in job without destructive test.
Only you can find weld imperfections through nondestructive test.

For structural weld, if it is mild steel and not heavy thick. Most preheat will be no less than zero degree and inter pass should not exceeding 250degree C.

And no client will do integrity test after welding in structural steel jobs if it is MS steel. 
If it is high or low alloy steel you can do PMI method to check the alloy content.

Correct me if I am wrong.

On Wed, 8 Jan 2020 at 11:26 AM G.K.PILLAI <> wrote:
dear experts,

 can we have to verify the structural weld joint integrity with any one of non destructive test methods.( exactly my question is here  during welding  the contractor  may not be following the preheat and intrepass temperature .but the weld was this situation how to verify the weld joint integrity without destructive test)




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